Hahahahahahahaha. Allow me to start this new entry with my evil laugh.
Okay…. Maybe that isn't funny enough. Today, I (Anne The Fabulous) will be sharing some of my prejudices that I own. Reminder guys, this is a quite sensitive topic to be discussed. Please read this with open heart and open arms hehe.
"Males do not know how to clean up and organize their rooms or personal space"
My brother-in-law has proven that my prejudice towards males is definitely wrong! My brother-in-law really knows how to clean up their house and as well as organising and designing their home interior! I am so jealous of him. HE CLEANS UP BETTER THAN ME (oops please pretend that you do not know about this).
Have I been the target of prejudices? YES I HAVE! I have heard of these statements throughout the period of 20 years in my life, "I thought you were arrogant" "Never knew you were friendly before!" "You never smile whenever you see me".

Clarification ( ̄▽ ̄)╯I am not arrogant or whatever. I just talk to people who I know (which is a bad attitude though, I need to change it asap, ugh). But once you know me or close to me, I would be the loudest person ever. I talk non-stop (ask DJ about this haha). I AM UNSTOPPABLE.
Alright. Now, it's DJ's turn to brag about prejudice.
In my case, my prejudice is towards people who are using iPhones. You know iPhones?
Of course you do, right? The smartphone which said to be one of the greatest phones ever invented.
Price ranged between RM 2,000 to RM 3,000 and above. People are willing to que up just to get it on the day it was launched.
Why do I have this prejudice?
First, I used to think iPhone users are simply RICH PEOPLE. Either they are rich, or their families are. Like, come on, you spend RM 2K for a phone? Which eventually most of you just use it for text, call, internet, camera quality, and some other synchronised apps to it. But, you dropped it once and the LCD screen breaks? Where is that RM 2K safety features? Okay.
So, before all you iPhone users out there bash me with this post, I have to admit that I know understand the reasons why you prefer iPhones than other smartphones like Sony, Samsung, Lenovo, etc. out there in the market today. I know the functionality of the phone, the specialties that it has, and the professionalism and all.
Previously, for the past 4 to 5 years ago, there are not many number of iPhone users within our community, but now, the number rapidly increased due to its' affordability. I admit that every single time (maybe until now), when I see anyone holds or use and iPhone, I will have this thought in mind, "UUUUUU IPHONE UUUUUU~~". But nah, not anymore (I think so), because I know understand that people have their own preferences to use it. Some use for the real purpose of the operating system (OS) and its, while some other use it just to fit into the society, and I'm not going to judge anything about it, because it's your life! :)

All in all, these prejudices that we have may come from our own background, and the way we were brought up by our own family, or the community and the society we live in. These all can be flushed away by telling ourselves "it's okay, they know what and why they want. Who are we to judge people."
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